Hopefully, with a bit more of an incentive this time around (like having to pass a course...), I'll be more diligent and more astute in my observations and entries.
So, about me... I'm a VCE Psychology teacher and I'm currently on maternity leave with my first child (who's now 10 months old). I'm undertaking the MEd TL for a few different reasons- I've always loved libraries. I love the sense of belonging they create in the community, I love the role they play in providing information and in encouraging the seeking of information. I love the quiet, cosy nooks they provide and the designated work spaces they offer. I appreciate also, the role that the school library and its librarians play in the wider school community, but also feel frustrated for the lack of acknowledgment that is given them.
I like the idea that being a TL will allow me to use my training and background in teaching and education, and combine that passion with my love of books and information literacy while still being in a school environment.
Oh, and I used to "play" libraries when I was little. I think it was meant to be...